Portrait of Gilbert Brown

Name: Gilbert Brown

MB Ch.B – Liverpool (1908)
DA RCP+S – (1935)

Date of Birth: 14 August 1883
Date of Death: 6 January 1960

Gilbert Brown was born on August 14, 1883 in Wigan Lancashire. He attended school in Liverpool and received his MB ChB (Bachelor of Medicine, Masters of Surgery) in 1908 from Liverpool University. Post-University Brown worked in England and as a ship’s surgeon from 1911. He settled in South Australia in 1912. Post-World War I, Brown worked at the Repatriation Hospital in Perth and the royal Adelaide and Children’s Hospitals. He retired from practice 1954. He was affiliated with the Australian Society of Anaesthetists and the British Medical Association in Australia. His professional career has been recognized through awards such as the CBE (Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) and Foundation Fellowship to the Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

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Exordium - Gilbert Brown



  1. Portrait of Gilbert Brown.
  2. Gilbert Brown, ‘Exordium’, Application Form, 1952, Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History: VKGM 6903.40.
  3. Australian Military Forces, Australian Imperial Force Attestation Paper of Persons Enlisted for Service Abroad, Brown, Gilbert, 1910.