Evipan: The dark side of anaesthesia
Dr Clara Cotaru is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists currently living and working in Belgium. Clara’s interest in the history of anaesthesia began with an investigation of the history of advertising anaesthetic agents, which she...
Ergot and the Salem Witchcraft Trials
Rebecca Lush was a student volunteer with the Geoffrey Kaye Museum in 2015. She is currently Curator, Harry Daly Museum. As an undergraduate, Rebecca investigated the Salem Witchcraft Trials, including the possible role of ergot. She has prepared this post based on...
The great women of anaesthesia: Mary Alice Blair
This post is one in a series uncovering the stories of early women anaesthetists from Australia and New Zealand. The University of New Zealand (UNZ) was established in 1874. Although the University of Otago had opened in 1871 with a staff of three professors, UNZ was...