Dr Vanessa Beavis, FANZCA, shares her thoughts with us about her portrait. The portrait was taken in 2023 and was revealed and hung in Ulimaroa, ANZCA at the end of 2024.

Alternatively known as the ‘COVID President’ or our ‘War time President’, my two years as President, were dominated by sitting at my desk behind a computer screen.

The table where I am sitting represents all those hours spent at the desk. The N95 mask to one side, is a constant reminder of the ubiquitous relentless presence of COVID.


Dr Vanessa Beavis, Presidential portrait


I chose to wear the President’s gown (in contrast to the presidents for the last decade) because, although I did not often have much opportunity to wear it on the usual formal occasions, the office of President and all the attendant responsibility I felt was best portrayed by wearing the gown and the President’s medal. Adorning my pounamu alongside the presidential medal represents the New Zealand (NZ)/Aotearoa part of ANZCA.

The actual photography session was a great occasion in its own right. The portrait photographs were taken by Amber Hunt and Arnaud Stephenson – Ash photography.  They are my husband’s son and daughter in law. To have close family members share the Presidency in this way just added to the magic. As Brian Stephenson – my husband pointed out, the organ room of Glyndebourne where the photographs were taken was a fitting setting for a liver transplant anaesthetist.